What is the success story of Indian Handicraft sector ?

India is a country of unity in diversity. Many international communities came here and started establishing here. There were pros and cons of this thing and it could also affect the economic scenario of the country also. Specially British played a significant role in changing the economic perspective of our India. Want to know how, let’s see -

Firstly Indian Handicrafts were completely ruined in colonial rule because British Government initialized the machinery goods and their importing in India filled the indian market with cheap handicraft products. cotton and other thread clothes were very first in this category.

The railway network inside the country allowed these clothes to cover the remote areas of India and the terms of trade were made absolutely free by the Government. It completely ruined the Indian handicrafts and Indian Craftsmen and weavers had to sell their handicraft products at the below price than market price.

Besides this the indian handicraft items had to pass from the tariffs and all the cotton material were exported to the britain and again Indian Handicrafters had to buy it at the higher prices so this also increased the price of the raw material. This is called de industrialization which affected the different sectors of the Indian Economy.

Now today the big question arises that what is the current governments are doing for the welfare of the handicraft sector after the 70 years of independence. Let’s understand -

  • to organize the handicrafts fairs, exhibitions.

  • to conduct buyer-seller meet in India and abroad

  • to conduct seminars, presentations with the brand image promotion of Indian Handicrafts.

  • To conduct awareness programs at domestic level.

  • Displaying new handicraft designs and marketing by exporters

  • To provide technological support to Indian wooden handicrafts

  • To innovate new designs and patterns by businessmen.

  • To establish new centres and institutes in different states to work for handicraft promotion

  • providing new skill trading for carpet weaving

  • providing financial assistance for improving the handicraft association condition

  • To provide the loan facilities in MUDRA form to compete with machinery goods.

  • To increase the export of carpet weaving

  • To subsidise in the excise and custom duties

These are some listed suggestions which can be done by the Indian Government. But only the government side efforts are not suitable but individual efforts are needed too so then the progress will be possible in Indian Handicraft sector.

